A Walk In The Forest
~ Tea & Forest Bathing Walk ~
The essence of forest bathing is sensory immersion in the ambience of the forest.
To walk slowly and notice things.
Noticing the breeze that touches your skin; the sounds of the brook, the birds and the movement of trees in the wind.
To take that noticing in, give it hospitality, let it land inside you.
~ The Intention ~
Forest bathing is not the same thing as hiking. The destination in forest bathing is “here,” not “there.” The pace is slow, not fast.
The focus is on connection and relationship.
We will be gathering around the ritual of tea in order to honor this relationship with nature.
Tea is said to have a way of easing the body and mind. Helping drop us into a state of stillness. A state in which our mind and body craves in an increasingly stimulating world.
It is in this practice tea that we can cultivate a better sense of noticing.
When: Thursday, December 21st, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Where: Charles City (exact location will be shared with you in advance)
Who: Hosted by Cedar Wood & Trent Jackson
Exchange: All are welcome. Suggested donation $33.